Saturday 19 January 2013

ready for mothers day

another gorgeous mix of flowers, perfect for mothering Sunday

in the shop today

Helebore, waxflower, hyacinth

hellebore, pure white and very beautiful

scented loveliness...

I couldn't resist putting something together with such beautiful flowers available today. The scents are amazing and this is one of the designs that will be available for mothers day, 10th March. Here I have used hyacinth, roses, hellebore, pussy willow, narcissus and thistle. The colours are soft and so delicate.

Thursday 17 January 2013

First blog for 2013

Well, I thought I would start this year's blog with a posting of a lovely wedding we worked on last September for Amy and David in Speldhurst. Their ceremony was held at St Mary's Church Speldhurst, and then a reception back at the family home also in the village. They were a wonderful family to work for and I thought I would share a few pictures of their special day with you all.