Monday 20 June 2011

more English country weddings...

well it's certainly been a busy few weeks gone by, and June looks to be the busiest month for weddings here in Kent. Last weekend saw us at the wonderful and most beautiful Buckhurst Park near Withyham, just outside Groombridge. The bride (the lovely Sarah) looked fabulous and we have had a sneak preview at at her professional photographs - amazing! I will post some of them when i have begged Mr Damian Bailey for a few pics. In the meantime, here are some less professional ones from moi....

The church benches were lined with cream jugs, overflowing with sweet smelling peonie, freesia and blue scabious

Bridal bouquet of rose, peony, and the beautifully scented lily of the valley

Bridesmaids posies of delicately soft pink rose, with ivory spray rose and scented freesia

1 comment:

  1. Nancy - your flowers. style and pics of flowers ROCK!!!!! I love this blog! But not as much as I love your vintage milk churn..............catch up soon busy lady x
