Saturday 23 February 2013

that's that out of the way...

Well, Valentines came and went very quickly. The men did themselves proud, and from where I was standing, romance is certainly still alive! By Thursday lunch time we had run out of most of the roses, and by Saturday we had nothing left. Well done to all those organised chaps who pre-ordered (there are still some out there, honestly)!

And now we move onto Mother's day. This is one occasion we truly enjoy in the shop. Mothers being spoilt with spring flower arrangements, bulbs in lovely containers, and floral jugs of scented narcissus.

Saturday 16 February 2013

wise words...

I follow a very interesting, and very amusing blog by Miss Pickering.

When all is done and dusted for valentines, she reflected some wonderful comments and i think many florists will indeed agree with what she had to say...

I enjoyed this one, maybe its years of either myself or their wives beating them into submission, but most pre-ordered, and most had a good idea of what they wanted, and the message they wanted to write.

but then there is the other 10%

The wide boy who wanted the "biggest bouquet of red roses you've ever made" but only wants to pay £2.99
The one who made me blush with his message, i thought I'd heard it all, i hadn't.
The one that came and said "probably one of the busiest days of the year for you, you must be really busy, but i thought I'd pop in and see if you would be interested in some new light bulbs"
The one that wanted a really late delivery so that she'd think he'd forgotten. Why is this a thing? Don't do it.
The one that wanted to send dead flowers to his ex-wife (get some therapy)