Saturday 16 February 2013

wise words...

I follow a very interesting, and very amusing blog by Miss Pickering.

When all is done and dusted for valentines, she reflected some wonderful comments and i think many florists will indeed agree with what she had to say...

I enjoyed this one, maybe its years of either myself or their wives beating them into submission, but most pre-ordered, and most had a good idea of what they wanted, and the message they wanted to write.

but then there is the other 10%

The wide boy who wanted the "biggest bouquet of red roses you've ever made" but only wants to pay £2.99
The one who made me blush with his message, i thought I'd heard it all, i hadn't.
The one that came and said "probably one of the busiest days of the year for you, you must be really busy, but i thought I'd pop in and see if you would be interested in some new light bulbs"
The one that wanted a really late delivery so that she'd think he'd forgotten. Why is this a thing? Don't do it.
The one that wanted to send dead flowers to his ex-wife (get some therapy)

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